Back and ready to rock!
Hello Everyone!
Many apologies for the long delay in blogging. Things have been very busy and I also went home to Newfoundland for the holidays. Being home was incredibly restorative and rejuvenating, NFLD is good for the soul.
In all honestly, I was really burnt out before Christmas and lost much of my effectiveness. If there is one piece of advice I’d have for any aspiring filmmakers reading this is to pay close attention to your own wellbeing, cause if you don’t have fuel in your tank you’re not going to drive very far.
I began studying a great book over Christmas called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. If you have not read it I strongly recommend this book to you. I now understand why I was spinning my wheels this past fall and have re-organized my work around the most important tasks (but not the urgent ones).
In general I am extremely excited about the film again and looking forward to making it happen. This film is going to rock. We’re going to bring you incredible stories from the front lines of the battle over the future of capitalism. Business students fighting with their professors to be taught ethics, entrepreneurs struggling to do the right thing in a financial system that doesn’t care, and the story of capitalism itself, the story of our world. We’re going to help people understand this system, their place in it, and how they can make a difference. Empowering, educational, entertaining.
A second piece of advice for any aspiring filmmakers would be to stick to it. This stuff is not easy and it requires a lot of tenacity.
Oh, and I put a classified add in the Georgia Straight today! It read:
Visionary documentary film project seeks
Angel Investors. Phone: 778-888-9255
I know it’s a long shot but I’m hoping that one amazing angel out there will read it and get in touch with me. If I can find an investor before January 31st we can still secure the Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund grant ( If not, I’ll have to wait until March and apply again. I am very confident about the film's financial potential, which I think is massive.
I tell you another thing. This whole experience has been an incredible learning experience. I’ve learned about time management, financing, team building, story creation, and marketing but the most important thing is that it forced me to look deep inside myself and see what’s there. And you know what? I like what I saw.
Thanks for reading. Expect more frequent blogs and progress in the coming months as I make this thing freaking happen!
Adam Joseph Cormier