Fixing Capitalism

Adam Cormier was an activist filmmaker based in Vancouver. His initial project, Fixing Capitalism, started out as a film about progressive and sustainable business. This blog was set up to follow Adam's struggle as he fought to get his film made and keep his dreams alive. For a whole bunch of reasons, the film failed to see production. This blog is now about the lessons Adam learned while failing as a filmmaker, his continued creative efforts, and whatever else comes to mind

Friday, April 06, 2012

Why? oh Why!

Here we are again. As always I have been doing a lot of thinking about why my intentions are always so different from my actions. i.e. why I procrastinate so much and live with a never ending lingering feeling of guilt about my past failures?

It is fear of failure? Or even worse a fear of success? Maybe I am just a fundamentally lazy person and I should just give up, simplify my life down to the most simple level and enjoy a life of Saturday afternoon movies and sleeping in?

Hmmmmm... I honestly don't know. I do know that I want to answer those questions and make some kind of peace with the answers. So I'm not going to give up, even if I'm still posting here every two years until I'm 80.

Stay tuned folks, if there is even anyone out there, I hope this finds you well.

