Fixing Capitalism

Adam Cormier was an activist filmmaker based in Vancouver. His initial project, Fixing Capitalism, started out as a film about progressive and sustainable business. This blog was set up to follow Adam's struggle as he fought to get his film made and keep his dreams alive. For a whole bunch of reasons, the film failed to see production. This blog is now about the lessons Adam learned while failing as a filmmaker, his continued creative efforts, and whatever else comes to mind

Monday, January 07, 2008

Enough bulls@#t already!

Hello Internet Peoples!

Looks like I’m going to have to just make the f**king movie! I’m going to get a camera, a microphone and a small light and spend a couple of months hitchhiking around North America making my documentary about Capitalism. It’ll be fun, it’ll be entertaining, it’ll rock your world. Trucker Bob will be as much a part of the film as Professor Gerald or CEO Bennett. To tell you the truth, it’s what I should have done four years ago. I should have just made the freaking movie.

It’s been over four years since I first had the idea for this film?! Four Years!!! I think about this and I shake my head in disbelief. The whole affair has been one giant clusterf**k of me messing up over and over again.

It’s been 10 months since I last blogged here and you might be wondering what happened. I won’t go into the details but suffice to say, the big budget, main stream version of the film we’ve been chasing, failed to materialize. Fixing Capitalism is back at square one.

I don’t know what I was thinking pursuing a big budget mainstream version of a radical film about Capitalism. Oh wait, I do know. I let fear and greed rule many of my decisions. The same emotions which make Capitalism such a dark force in the world ended up controlling the direction of the film.

I tell you one thing though. It’s been pretty damn educational. I feel like a whole new person, I know what I want to do and how I’m going to do it. I feel empowered. I’m kind of pissed off, but in a good way.

Never again will I have my work be frozen in place waiting for some other factor to fall into place.

So what next you ask? Well, Fixing Capitalism is going to go on the back burner for a while. It’s been ruling my life for four years and I need to leave it alone for a little while. In the mean time I’m starting a small production company. Our focus will be on producing and independently distributing radical media on the Internets. Our flagship project is an epic docu-comedy called Plastics Make Your Penis Smaller.

More about that later.

If you are an aspiring filmmaker with a kickass idea I’d encourage you to get in touch with me. I want to pass on my hard earned lessons from the past four years. I want to help other people get their media out into the world.

Much peace and love to all

Adam Cormier


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