Fixing Capitalism

Adam Cormier was an activist filmmaker based in Vancouver. His initial project, Fixing Capitalism, started out as a film about progressive and sustainable business. This blog was set up to follow Adam's struggle as he fought to get his film made and keep his dreams alive. For a whole bunch of reasons, the film failed to see production. This blog is now about the lessons Adam learned while failing as a filmmaker, his continued creative efforts, and whatever else comes to mind

Monday, July 03, 2006


Hello again!

Well, I certainly seem to have a problem posting on here regularly. My friend and advisor Andrew recently phoned me and said that I must BLOG again and BLOG soon. So here I am. Blogging. Thank-you Andrew.

The past two months of my life has mostly focused around my all-consuming day job in TV. I was a construction PA on a HGTV show called Take it Outside (Tuesdays @ 5 and 11, tune in tomorrow for the occasional glimpse of me in the background!). This position required 14 hours days so most of my weeks were limited to working and sleeping. I must say that I really enjoyed working on this show and learning a lot about the TV business by doing so. A big thank-you to everyone at Fusion Television for giving me my first job in TV.

Now that the show is wrapped and the bills are paid I’ve thrown myself right back into the world of Fixing Capitalism. All this week I am reviewing / rewriting the website and getting ready for our first big fundraising campaign. Alan Goldman has gotten a proposal into the hands of several broadcasters and we’re waiting to here back from them, in the mean time, we going to have a good solid go at ‘finding the money’ from the world at large. I’ve always excelled at fundraising so I am looking forward to this attempt at securing our production budget. I am also looking forward to getting back to the hundreds of amazing people I’ve met in the past two years of trying to get this film off the ground. I didn’t give up everybody. I’m still here.

Tenacity seems to be the key to this stuff. In the following weeks we will be producing a new promotional video that will then be sent to everyone we know as well as aired on TV. When you get this information please take a minute to review it carefully. I have never been more serious about creating positive change in this world and never surer of this film’s ability to help spark that change.

On a lighter note, my wonderful cousin Stephanie stayed with me all last week. She was in Vancouver for the World Peace Forum. Steph is an amazing young woman with great dreams. It gives me faith in my gene pool that such an intelligent and caring person is related to me. Steph was particular impressed with the fact that I have organic green-tea flavored soymilk on my cornflakes in the morning (she’s vegetation). If you haven’t tried this you should. I find soy milk gives me a lot more energy then regular milk…. and of course, there are those troublesome issues with the factory farm industry. It’s not hard to step lightly on the earth. The soil in my roof top garden was composted from my houses organic waste and the plants were cycled home from the Trout Lake community market. There is not much that gives me more pleasure then a day of stepping lightly.

Oh, before I go. If you’re free tomorrow night, Tuesday, the 4th of July, I recommend you swing by Café De Solel on Commercial Drive and catch The Fugitives show. This band of East Vancouver poets and musicians are freaking incredible. I mean, these guys get 6 out of 5 stars on Adam’s rocking good times scale. You brain will explode. They are that good. Check them out the first chance you get. They are better then Disney World.

Yup, that’s all for now. Expect a phone call or an e-mail in the coming weeks and months. I found a quote from Napoleon Hill recently that I like. It goes:

“Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit”

I like that and am hoping it’s true.

Much peace everyone, I hope you are having a beautiful summer.

Adam Cormier


At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam, it sounds like things are starting to come together. I am really eager to see this amazing project come to fruition.

It's really refreshing to know that there is someone trying to change the way we all do business (not just talking about it). Living in Calgary, I can really see the necessity for change. The majority of people in this city are blind to everything and anything that doesn't have a monetary value.

Keep up the great work.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It sounds like things are coming together on the film. I have always been amazed at your energy and passion as you bring this project together. If there is one person I know that could make this happen, it is you.

Congrats on the TV job and I hope you learned a lot. Good luck and keep up the great work!



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