Lots happening this week
Hello friends of Fixing Capitalism!
I hope this wonderful day finds you well. Here is your update on what is happening in my world this week.
1. Writing, writing and some more writing. This past week had me attending a seminar with master story writer, Don White. His teachings on documentary story structure were incredibly helpful and I have applied what I leaned to a new treatment. More details to follow soon but I believe I have finally cracked the film's structure and plot!
2. The Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund (CIFVF). As you might remember the CIFVF gave us a grant of $6000.00 this past summer. Well, this grant has always been conditional on me securing another $14,000.00 in development financing. If I don't line up the whole development budget the CIFVF grant expires. The official deadline is November 30th but I might be able to get it extended a few weeks since I have been making real progress.
Bottom Line. I still need to raise another $8000.00 in development funding over the next 2-4 weeks. I have leads I am following up on this. If any of you know any angel investors looking for a project please let them know about me. I have found a distribution strategy that bypasses the traditional distribution route and offers an investor a much better investment opportunity.
3. The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). This Wednesday at 4:30 I will be presenting the project and showing some video at a BALLE event on local media. I'm basically looking at it as a chance to practice my pitch and put the word out for financial support.
The event is: Who Owns The News? An Event in Support of Independent Local Media
When: November 16th 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Where: One Restaurant (1 West Cordova Street)
Cost: Tickets $15 members/$25 non-members (includes food)
Please RSVP to amyr@telus.net or visit: www.ballebc.com
4. Volunteer Meeting. Wonderful people continue to click the volunteer button on our website! The next volunteer meeting is tonight, Monday the 14th, at 7:30 at my house, 2495 Wall Street (and Nanaimo)
5. Filming 'Streeters'. I spent all day Saturday wandering around Vancouver asking random people, "What is Capitalism?" Their answers were fascinating and definitely challenged my personal thoughts on the subject. I am going to edit together a little montage of that footage and will send it out to everyone once its finished.
In general, the project continues to be much more work then I ever expected. As you may or may not know I was able to put together a 'free adam fund' and am now working on the film full time. Being able to delve in the topic full time has only reconfirmed how complex and changeling my chosen subject matter is.
More then ever, I am committed to making this film a reality. It will be educational, empowering, entertaining, and have the potential to change the world.
Many thanks to you all. Have a wonderful week!
Adam C
"Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water. Don't sit this one out. Do something. You are, by accident of fate, alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet." ~Carl Sagan
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