Half way there
It’s starting to feel like all my Blog postings here basically say the same thing.
Which is:
“Hi! Yep, we’re still struggling to get this thing to the next level. I’m currently being held back by X, Y, and Z but don’t worry, we have a small glimmer of hope on the horizon in the form of Q.”
Does anyone else feel this way? That this Blog isn’t so much about making a film as about NOT making a film?
ANYWAY. Here we are. Still struggling to get this film off the ground! I’m finally back from Cold Lake, which is awesome. I saved up enough money there to take March off and pour my energy into Fixing Capitalism. All in all, there is nothing holding us back right now besides the usual film industry things. Last week we met with a very talented Director named Sally Aitken who is going to take a stab at finally nailing down the films visual vision. You know, what you’ll actually see on screen. (this is a wee bit important since we’re making a MOVIE).
Sally is much more then a glimmer of hope, she’s a full on beam of sunlight.
I’ll also be speaking at the University of Alberta on March 13th at a Social Entrepreneurship conference being put off by Eonfire. That’ll be fun. I’m hoping to bring my “how Capitalism is broken” thesis to a new level of clarity and entertainment.
What else, what else? Once Sally has expressed and written down her vision we’ll be re-approaching some broadcasters and the NFB. Hopefully, they will come on board with some development funding. If not, then it’s full steam ahead on financing the film alternatively. In which case I’ll be contacting pretty much everyone I can possibly think of looking for donations and help.
Oh, and if God smiles on us this month, the website will finally get back online!
All in all, I’m feeling good. Had a killer flu last week, which kicked my ass, but am now all better. My friends Brian and Christina had a healthy baby boy on Valentines Day! Welcome to the planet earth little Caleb.
More then anything else, I’m feeling comfortable with this path I’ve chosen as a career. With any luck, I can blend my skills into a career of activism and filmmaking so as I don’t starve and one day, realize my dream of “opting out” of the economy and living in the wilderness of Newfoundland.
I know it might seem like we’re forever spinning our wheels on this project but we’re not. Progress, while slow, has been steady. In fact, the more I learn about the film industry the more I realize that my experience is pretty normal. On average, it takes a documentary film like this one about seven years to see completion. Which puts me at about half way there!
If you read this and think you can help, please send an E-mail.
Much Peace
Labels: Documentary, Film, Life, Social Entrepreneurship