Fixing Capitalism

Adam Cormier was an activist filmmaker based in Vancouver. His initial project, Fixing Capitalism, started out as a film about progressive and sustainable business. This blog was set up to follow Adam's struggle as he fought to get his film made and keep his dreams alive. For a whole bunch of reasons, the film failed to see production. This blog is now about the lessons Adam learned while failing as a filmmaker, his continued creative efforts, and whatever else comes to mind

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Radical Business, Searching for Room September 22-24

Hello everyone!

I hope this e-mail finds you well. A friend of mine is doing incredible work and is looking for some help.

Tad Hargrave is a strategic coach for social entrepreneurs.

And all of his workshops are offered on a Pay What You Can Basis.

We are looking for a workshop room in which to host the to host the Vancouver
Stop for his "Radical Business Tour" this September 22-24. Tad is based in
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I can't say enough about him. He is amazing, he changes people's lives, he's on the cutting edge. Tad has provided me with some wonderful coaching and if it wasn't for his sage advice I wouldn't be where I am with my projects!

Radical Business is Tad's current venture and is a powerful mix of positive speaking and marketing advice specifically designed for social entrepreneurs and conscious business people. Tad helps the good guys make more money and believe me, he knows his stuff. If this is your first time hearing about Tad Hargrave, trust me that it won't be your last.

You can learn more about Mr. Hargrave and his Radical Business weekend at:

Right, so I offered to help Tad set up his Vancouver stop on his tour but we've been having a bit of trouble tracking down an affordable room to host the event in. If you know of anyone who has space available please contact me or Tad asap. Ideally, we're looking for something that is:

- free or cheap
- central
- natural lights (lots of it)
- indoors
- high ceilings
- woods floors
- nice vibe
- can hold 40 people comfortably in a sort of class room style.

Yup, that's our dream space. Can you help us???

Many thanks for what you do,

Adam Cormier

P.S. This e-mail address is for my documentary film Fixing Capitalism.
For more info about this project and regular updates on its progress (everything is going great!) and info about my own attempts at change creation please visit my Blog here ☺

First mass e-mailing, searching for volunteer webmaster

Hey there everyone. So we sent out out our first mass e-mail update this past Sunday night and I've been getting some great feedback from different concious folks. For posterity, here is it is! If you know of a possible webmaster please send them my way!!!!


Fixing Capitalism Update # 1 + Searching for Volunteer Webmaster

1. Update Message from Adam Cormier

2. Searching for a volunteer Webmaster (Please forward!)

1. Update Message

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the very first Fixing Capitalism e-mail update.

The past months have brought a host of developments for my documentary film Fixing Capitalism and as of late everything has been going extremely well. A new and more experienced team has been formed consisting of filmmakers Greg Stirling ( and Alan Goldman ( Both of these gentlemen have been invaluable in moving the project forward. As well, a small development budget has successfully been raised and is currently being used to develop the project for broadcast. Finally, we have switched the focus to include myself as the host and narrator. The viewer will now follow me on my journey as I search for answers to my questions about capitalism. I think of it as an idea safari into the dangerous jungle that is our modern world.

Please note that we are still looking for people and ventures to profile in the film. If you know of someone having a unique impact in the world please send them this e-mail!

To learn more, ask questions and come on the journey, please visit and sign-up for our Blog:

There will be much more to follow in the coming months. I thank-you for your patience and support and look forward to making a film you will all enjoy tremendously. If you are waiting for an individual response on something please accept my apologies and be assured that it is on the way.

Be sure to forward the information below to anyone you think might be interested in our search for a new webmaster!

Many thanks and much peace

Adam Cormier

P.S. Our current address and phone numbers are included below

2. Needed Immediately: Volunteer Webmaster

The Fixing Capitalism Film Project is currently searching for a volunteer web master. This documentary film is being developed as a modern exploration of capitalism and asks the question: Can Capitalism be “Fixed”? The viewer will follow emerging filmmaker and change agent Adam Cormier as he journeys the world, seeking out answers to his questions.

We are looking for someone with basic web skills who wants to build their portfolio and gain experience in media and entertainment to donate 1 day a week for 6 months. In return, you will have your information appear on the website and in the film’s credits. (Progressive ‘saving the world’ karma included free of charge)

To learn more and see the website you’ll be perfecting please visit:

Please submit a resume and cover letter to before August 23rd

The Fixing Capitalism Film Project

2495 Wall Street
Vancouver, BC, V5K 1A4
Office Phone: 604-251-5567 (ext 239)
Cell Phone: 778-888-9255

Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water. Don't sit this one out. Do something. You are, by accident of fate, alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet. ~Carl Sagan

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Hey, so me and my partner Greg were working on the core (heart) of the film today. This was the first draft I put together.

What do you think?

We're trying to find a way to make the film digestable for people... give them an entry point if you will. The topic is huge and the word itself is loaded with meanings for people.

How do we make it accessable?



One sunny autumn day around the turn of the century, I realized that there was something seriously wrong with the world I had been raised to believe in. As a child of the 1980’s, my world had been one of peace, happiness and consumption. The highlight of my young life was the appearance one Christmas morning of my first Nintendo. Inspired by the television character Alex P. Keaton, I began to dream of climbing the corporate ladder and making my first million. That warm day in September found me three years into a business degree and well on my way to meeting those goals.

When the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed my reality crumbled with them. In the world I lived in, in which I would make my millions and live happily ever after, such things were simply not possible. As my whole world was turned upside down I made a 180-degree turn. I vowed that I would spend the rest of life trying to make the world a better place.

The next day, as I started on my quest, I found out this was easier said then done. It turned out that the environment was on the brink of collapse, cultures and traditions the world over were being digested by a global culture of consumption, some German man had declared God was dead, and that the US of A, the worlds strongest economy was 8 trillion dollars in debt. On top of all this, it dawned on me that what I was learning about in business school everyday, the success and growth of capitalism, might be at the root of all our problems. Basically, everything was WAY more complex then I had thought it was. The following years have only brought more questions….

If I am going to fulfill my promise and make the world a better place I need some clarity before I can move forward.

Firstly, I need to know exactly what Capitalism is. Where does it come from and what it is today? Who was this Adam Smith guy and what did he imagine the world would become? Then I need to understand how our system is “broken” and who is working to “fix” it? Finally, what do we do if capitalism is somehow fundamentally flawed? Broken beyond repair?

My thinking is this. If capitalism is “fixable” I will continue to work on its repair. If not, if it is doomed, I will switch my efforts to building its replacement.

I need to get my direction straight before I march forward. You are invited to come along with me on this journey, this search for answers.

A grand safari into the complex jungle that is our modern world!